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History & Climate Data


This page provides information about retrievable variables and variable-specific input parameters, as well as climate data packages.

Further information can be found in the following places:

Weather Variables

One API call retrieves data for one weather variable. Some weather variables need additional parameter settings in the API-URL (see column "Additional mandatory parameters"). The API supports various units, which may be specified in the API request (see Weather Variable Units).

Example URL:

VariableHeight LevelAdditional mandatory parameters
temperature2 m above ground-
sealevelpressureMean sea level-
winddirection10 m above ground-
windspeed10 m above ground-
relativehumidity2 m above ground-
soiltemperature_0to7cm0 to 7 cm below ground-
soilmoisture_0to7cm0 to 7 cm below ground-
referenceevapotranspiration_fao2 m above ground-
dewpointtemperature2 m above ground-
wetbulbtemperature2 m above ground-
windspeed_100m100 m above ground-
winddirection_100m100 m above ground-
windpower100 m above groundturbineid, numberofturbines
lowcloudsLow clouds up to 2km above ground-
midcloudsMedium high clouds up to 7km above ground-
highcloudsHigh clouds up to 13km above ground-
pvpower_backwardsSurfaceslope, facing, kwp, power_efficiency, tracker

Climate Data Packages

The climate data packages are providing long term averages of the last 35 years to describe the climate conditions of a specific location.


Example URL:

The Modelclimate data package contains climate simulation data of the last 35 years.

Precipitation monthly meanmm, inch
Temperature monthly mean°C, °F
Temperature mean monthly max°C, °F"Hot days"
Temperature mean monthly min°C, °F"Cold days"
Temperature mean daily max°C, °F
Temperature mean daily min°C, °F
Wind speed monthly meanm/s, km/h, kn, mph, bf
Wind speed mean monthly maxm/s, km/h, kn, mph, bf"Windy days"
Wind speed mean monthly minm/s, km/h, kn, mph, bf
Wind speed mean daily maxm/s, km/h, kn, mph, bf
Wind speed mean daily minm/s, km/h, kn, mph, bf
Precipitation days monthly mean0 - 31Number of days with more than 0.2 mm precipitation
Snow days monthly mean0 - 31
Frost days monthly mean0 - 31Number of days with temperatures below 0°C
Sunshine days monthly mean0 - 31Number of sunshine days per month
Cloudy days monthly mean0 - 31Number of cloudy days per month
Overcast days monthly mean0 - 31Number of overcast days per month

Climate Wind Rose

The Climate Wind Rose data package contains historical data of wind speed and direction over 30 years, and describes how many hours per year the wind blows from the indicated direction and at the indicated speed. The data is accumulated from 30 years of historical weather simulation data from the global meteoblue model NEMSGLOBAL, which has a resolution of 30km.

Example SW: Wind is blowing from South-West (SW) to North-East (NE).

Example URL: