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Weather Model Domains



RegionCentral Europe
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start2008-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start2008-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



RegionSouth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2014-05-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



RegionJapan East Asia
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution8.0 km
History Start2014-08-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



RegionNew Zealand
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution8.0 km
History Start2013-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2013-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



RegionSouth Africa
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2015-06-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



RegionCentral America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start2015-06-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start1984-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd
Extreme Forecast Index912maxTemperature, minTemperature

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution4-30 km
History Start1984-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, hybrid lev 1, 850 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb, 900 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 500 mb, 700 mb, 800 mb, 850 mb, 900 mb, 950 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start2016-11-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start2016-11-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, cld base, cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc, hybrid lev 1
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, hybrid lev 1, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Clear air turbulence (cat 0 to 3)1851000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
In-flight icing1861000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Wind speed gridded MOS63310 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc
Wind Convergence91110 m above gnd

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc



RegionCentral Europe
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start2008-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start2008-03-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionSouth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution18.0 km
History Start2008-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionSouth Africa
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution18.0 km
History Start2009-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionSoutheast Asia
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution18.0 km
History Start2009-10-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Precipitation Total 2 runs aggregated661sfc
Convective precipitation 2 runs aggregated663sfc
Low cloud layer 2 runs aggregated673low cld lay
Mid cloud layer 2 runs aggregated674mid cld lay

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionNorth America
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length84
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start2009-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 875 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Accumulated Snow Melt99sfc
Brigthness Index118nom. top
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Precomputed lapse rates for temperature-height correction (backscaling is -75 and then divide by 10000)607upward, downward
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionNorth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionNorth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length36
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionNorth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length60
Spatial Resolution3.0 km
History Start2020-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 80 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Lifted index131500mb-1000mb
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Lifted index131500mb-1000mb
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



RegionNorth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length17
Spatial Resolution3.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Geopotential Height70C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start2008-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, convect-cld bot, convect-cld top
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7sfc, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, sfc
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 80 m above gnd
Specific humidity512 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Land sea mask 1=land81sfc
Soil Temperature850-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
See Level Pressure reduced to Eta level130MSL
Lifted index from 4 best layer132180-0 mb above gnd
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Rain flag140sfc
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Ice pellets flag142sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Soil Moisture1440-10 cm down, 10-40 cm down, 40-100 cm down, 100-200 cm down
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Helicity1903000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion U Component1966000-0 m above gnd
Storm Motion V Component1976000-0 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc, 11x11@sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
Shortwave Radiation Up211sfc
Longwave Radiation Up212sfc
Convective precipitation rate214sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm, 1.0 mm
Multi model highres predictability501highres pred
Multi model temperature5112 m above gnd
Pictogram code5501hourly, 3hourly
Multi model CAPE557180-0 mb above gnd
Multi model precipitation total561sfc
Precomputed lapse rates for temperature-height correction (backscaling is -75 and then divide by 10000)607upward, downward
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd
Precipitation Type Probability641rain, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets
Probability of Fog642sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
PBL Height221sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution22.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation rate59sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution12.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation rate59sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length384
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1mean @ sfc, spread@sfc
Mean Sea Level Pressure2mean @ MSL, spread@MSL
Geopotential Height7mean @ 700mb, spread @ 700mb
Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc
Daily Max Temperature15mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd
Daily Min Temperature16mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd
Wind U-Component33mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, mean @ 80 m above gnd, spread@80mabovegnd, cntl@80mabovegnd, member_001@80mabovegnd, member_002@80mabovegnd, member_003@80mabovegnd, member_004@80mabovegnd, member_005@80mabovegnd, member_006@80mabovegnd, member_007@80mabovegnd, member_008@80mabovegnd, member_009@80mabovegnd, member_010@80mabovegnd, member_011@80mabovegnd, member_012@80mabovegnd, member_013@80mabovegnd, member_014@80mabovegnd, member_015@80mabovegnd, member_016@80mabovegnd, member_017@80mabovegnd, member_018@80mabovegnd, member_019@80mabovegnd, member_020@80mabovegnd, member_021@80mabovegnd, member_022@80mabovegnd, member_023@80mabovegnd, member_024@80mabovegnd, member_025@80mabovegnd, member_026@80mabovegnd, member_027@80mabovegnd, member_028@80mabovegnd, member_029@80mabovegnd, member_030@80mabovegnd
Wind V-Component34mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, mean @ 80 m above gnd, spread@80mabovegnd, cntl@80mabovegnd, member_001@80mabovegnd, member_002@80mabovegnd, member_003@80mabovegnd, member_004@80mabovegnd, member_005@80mabovegnd, member_006@80mabovegnd, member_007@80mabovegnd, member_008@80mabovegnd, member_009@80mabovegnd, member_010@80mabovegnd, member_011@80mabovegnd, member_012@80mabovegnd, member_013@80mabovegnd, member_014@80mabovegnd, member_015@80mabovegnd, member_016@80mabovegnd, member_017@80mabovegnd, member_018@80mabovegnd, member_019@80mabovegnd, member_020@80mabovegnd, member_021@80mabovegnd, member_022@80mabovegnd, member_023@80mabovegnd, member_024@80mabovegnd, member_025@80mabovegnd, member_026@80mabovegnd, member_027@80mabovegnd, member_028@80mabovegnd, member_029@80mabovegnd, member_030@80mabovegnd
Relative Humidity52mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, spread@sfc, median@sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc
Cloud Cover Total71mean @ atmos col, spread@atmoscol
Cloud Convective72cntl@convect-cldlayer
Cloud Cover Low73mean@lowcldlay, spread@lowcldlay, median@lowcldlay, cntl@midcldlay, member_001@midcldlay, member_002@midcldlay, member_003@midcldlay, member_004@midcldlay, member_005@midcldlay, member_006@midcldlay, member_007@midcldlay, member_008@midcldlay, member_009@midcldlay, member_010@midcldlay, member_011@midcldlay, member_012@midcldlay, member_013@midcldlay, member_014@midcldlay, member_015@midcldlay, member_016@midcldlay, member_017@midcldlay, member_018@midcldlay, member_019@midcldlay, member_020@midcldlay, member_021@midcldlay, member_022@midcldlay, member_023@midcldlay, member_024@midcldlay, member_025@midcldlay, member_026@midcldlay, member_027@midcldlay, member_028@midcldlay, member_029@midcldlay, member_030@midcldlay
Cloud Cover Medium74mean@midcldlay, spread@midcldlay, median@midcldlay, cntl@lowcldlay, member_001@lowcldlay, member_002@lowcldlay, member_003@lowcldlay, member_004@lowcldlay, member_005@lowcldlay, member_006@lowcldlay, member_007@lowcldlay, member_008@lowcldlay, member_009@lowcldlay, member_010@lowcldlay, member_011@lowcldlay, member_012@lowcldlay, member_013@lowcldlay, member_014@lowcldlay, member_015@lowcldlay, member_016@lowcldlay, member_017@lowcldlay, member_018@lowcldlay, member_019@lowcldlay, member_020@lowcldlay, member_021@lowcldlay, member_022@lowcldlay, member_023@lowcldlay, member_024@lowcldlay, member_025@lowcldlay, member_026@lowcldlay, member_027@lowcldlay, member_028@lowcldlay, member_029@lowcldlay, member_030@lowcldlay
Cloud Cover High75mean@highcldlay, spread@highcldlay, median@highcldlay, cntl@highcldlay, member_001@highcldlay, member_002@highcldlay, member_003@highcldlay, member_004@highcldlay, member_005@highcldlay, member_006@highcldlay, member_007@highcldlay, member_008@highcldlay, member_009@highcldlay, member_010@highcldlay, member_011@highcldlay, member_012@highcldlay, member_013@highcldlay, member_014@highcldlay, member_015@highcldlay, member_016@highcldlay, member_017@highcldlay, member_018@highcldlay, member_019@highcldlay, member_020@highcldlay, member_021@highcldlay, member_022@highcldlay, member_023@highcldlay, member_024@highcldlay, member_025@highcldlay, member_026@highcldlay, member_027@highcldlay, member_028@highcldlay, member_029@highcldlay, member_030@highcldlay
Soil Temperature85cntl@0-10cmdown, cntl@10-40cmdown
Latent Heat Flux121cntl@sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122cntl@sfc
Lifted index131cntl@sfc
Freezing rain flag141mean @ sfc, spread@sfc
Ice pellets flag142mean @ sfc, spread@sfc
Snow Fraction143mean @ sfc, spread@sfc
Soil Moisture144cntl@0-10cmdown, cntl@10-40cmdown
CAPE157mean@180-0mbabovegnd, spread@180-0mbabovegnd
Wind Gust180mean @ sfc, spread@sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc
Shortwave Radiation204mean @ sfc, spread@sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc
PBL Height221cntl@sfc
Multi model precipitation probability500last6h, last24h, pcptime, last12h
Biologically Active UV Radiation700cntl@sfc
Biologically active UV Radiation Clearsky720cntl@sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length360
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start2023-05-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Wind U-Component33mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd
Wind V-Component34mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, spread@sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc
Multi model precipitation probability50002mm_3h, 05mm_3h, 1mm_3h, 05mm_24h, 1mm_24h, 2mm_24h, 05mm_12h, 1mm_12h, 2mm_12h

History Variables

Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, spread@2mabovegnd
Wind U-Component33mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd
Wind V-Component34mean @ 10 m above gnd, spread@10mabovegnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, spread@sfc
Multi model precipitation probability50002mm_3h, 05mm_3h, 1mm_3h, 05mm_24h, 1mm_24h, 2mm_24h, 05mm_12h, 1mm_12h, 2mm_12h



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution8.0 km
History Start1998-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



RegionEurope and Africa
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution18.0 km
History Start2014-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Clearsky Shortwave161forwardavg@sfc
Shortwave Radiation204forwardavg@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256forwardavg@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Clearsky Radiation257forwardavg@sfc
Cloud Optical Thickness259forwardavg@atmos col
Cloud Top Height262sfc
Cloud Mask263sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start1995-01-02 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7cld base, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Temperature11sfc, sst, snow layer, 2 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down, 7-28 cm down, 28-100 cm down, 100-255 cm down
Precipitation Runoff90sfc
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Total Column Cloud Water136atmos col
Total Column Cloud Ice137atmos col
Soil Moisture1440-7 cm down, 7-28 cm down, 28-100 cm down, 100-255 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Direct Shortwave Radiation258sfc
UV Radiation721sfc

Static Variables

Soil texture type1200sfc
Vegatation type1201high, low



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start1960-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7cld base, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Temperature11sfc, sst, snow layer, 2 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snowfall Accumulated Water Equivalent65sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down, 7-28 cm down, 28-100 cm down, 100-255 cm down
Latent Heat Flux121sfc
Sensible Heat Flux122sfc
Soil Moisture1440-7 cm down, 7-28 cm down, 28-100 cm down, 100-255 cm down
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Longwave Radiation205sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Potential Evaporation228sfc
Direct Shortwave Radiation258sfc
UV Radiation721sfc

Static Variables

Soil texture type1200sfc
Vegatation type1201high, low



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start1980-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start1979-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Relative Humidity52mean @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91mean @ sfc, anomaly @ sfc
Soil Moisture144mean @ 0-7 cm, anomaly @ 0-7 cm



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length1200
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start1969-12-31 23:59:59 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Temperature11historical_ensave, max@historical_ensave, min@historical_ensave, rcp26_ensave, rcp45_ensave, rcp60_ensave, rcp85_ensave, max@rcp26_ensave, max@rcp45_ensave, max@rcp60_ensave, max@rcp85_ensave, min@rcp26_ensave, min@rcp45_ensave, min@rcp60_ensave, min@rcp85_ensave
Precipitation Total61historical_ensave, rcp26_ensave, rcp45_ensave, rcp60_ensave, rcp85_ensave



SourceEnvironment Canada
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start2015-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



SourceEnvironment Canada
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution15.0 km
History Start2019-10-17 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 200 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 200 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 200 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 200 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionNorth America
SourceEnvironment Canada
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution2.5 km
History Start2023-02-27 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Thunderstorm Probability60sfc
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 120 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Thunderstorm Probability60sfc
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Freezing rain flag141sfc
Snow Fraction143sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length144
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start2022-02-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Relative Humidity521000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Relative Humidity521000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length144
Spatial Resolution20.0 km
History Start2024-02-20 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Relative Humidity521000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Relative Humidity521000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Soil Temperature850-7 cm down
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start2024-03-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 100 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 100 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity521000 mb, 925 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 100 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length42
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start2015-10-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length96
Spatial Resolution11.0 km
History Start2015-10-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length96
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start2015-10-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height71000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total711000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Turbulent Kinetic Energy1581000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 650 mb, 600 mb, 550 mb, 500 mb, 450 mb, 400 mb, 350 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length144
Spatial Resolution17.0 km
History Start2018-12-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Precipitation Convective63sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length144
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2022-04-27 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height70C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay, fog
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height70C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Convective72atmos col
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay, fog
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length120
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height70C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, sfc
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 50 m above gnd, 100 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay, fog
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Convective inhibition156180-0 mb above gnd
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionCentral Europe
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total71atmos col
Frontal coloring910sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total71atmos col
Frontal coloring910sfc



SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution7.0 km
History Start2017-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
WMO Weather Type69sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution13.0 km
History Start2015-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 950 mb, 700 mb, 850 mb, 500 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 20 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 20 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Relative Humidity52850 mb, 700 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
WMO Weather Type69sfc
Cloud Cover Total7120 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 420 m above gnd, 549 m above gnd, 692 m above gnd, 849 m above gnd, 1020 m above gnd, 1205 m above gnd, 1404 m above gnd, 1617 m above gnd, 1842 m above gnd, 2082 m above gnd, 2335 m above gnd, 2602 m above gnd, 2882 m above gnd, 3176 m above gnd, 3485 m above gnd, 3809m m above gnd, 4148 m above gnd, 4498 m above gnd, 4863 m above gnd, 5242 m above gnd, 5638 m above gnd, 6027 m above gnd, 6426 m above gnd, 6816 m above gnd, 7216 m above gnd, 7607 m above gnd, 8007 m above gnd, 8402 m above gnd, 8803 m above gnd, 9194 m above gnd, 9594 m above gnd, 10034 m above gnd, 10396 m above gnd, 11185 m above gnd, 12780 m above gnd, 13590 m above gnd
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91sfc
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 1000 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb
Temperature112 m above gnd, 950 mb, 700 mb, 850 mb, 500 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 20 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 20 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, 250 mb
Relative Humidity52850 mb, 700 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
WMO Weather Type69sfc
Cloud Cover Total7120 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 420 m above gnd, 549 m above gnd, 692 m above gnd, 849 m above gnd, 1020 m above gnd, 1205 m above gnd, 1404 m above gnd, 1617 m above gnd, 1842 m above gnd, 2082 m above gnd, 2335 m above gnd, 2602 m above gnd, 2882 m above gnd, 3176 m above gnd, 3485 m above gnd, 3809m m above gnd, 4148 m above gnd, 4498 m above gnd, 4863 m above gnd, 5242 m above gnd, 5638 m above gnd, 6027 m above gnd, 6426 m above gnd, 6816 m above gnd, 7216 m above gnd, 7607 m above gnd, 8007 m above gnd, 8402 m above gnd, 8803 m above gnd, 9194 m above gnd, 9594 m above gnd, 10034 m above gnd, 10396 m above gnd, 11185 m above gnd, 12780 m above gnd, 13590 m above gnd
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91sfc
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length120
Spatial Resolution7.0 km
History Start2017-09-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
WMO Weather Type69sfc
Cloud Cover Total7120 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd, 420 m above gnd, 549 m above gnd, 692 m above gnd, 849 m above gnd, 1020 m above gnd, 1205 m above gnd, 1404 m above gnd, 1617 m above gnd, 1842 m above gnd, 2082 m above gnd, 2335 m above gnd, 2602 m above gnd, 2882 m above gnd, 3176 m above gnd, 3485 m above gnd, 3809m m above gnd, 4148 m above gnd, 4498 m above gnd, 4863 m above gnd, 5242 m above gnd, 5638 m above gnd, 6027 m above gnd, 6426 m above gnd, 6816 m above gnd, 7216 m above gnd, 7607 m above gnd, 8007 m above gnd, 8402 m above gnd, 8803 m above gnd, 9104 m above gnd, 9594 m above gnd, 10034 m above gnd, 10396 m above gnd, 10831 m above gnd, 11185 m above gnd, 11992 m above gnd, 12780 m above gnd, 13590 m above gnd
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 307 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
WMO Weather Type69sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length29
Spatial Resolution7.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length77
Spatial Resolution13.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 64 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



RegionGermany and Alps
SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length27
Spatial Resolution2.2 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



RegionGermany and Alps
SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start2022-10-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Pressure1sfc, 20 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Geopotential Height7convect-cld bot, convect-cld top, 0C isotherm
Temperature112 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 20 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 20 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 20 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Specific humidity5120 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd, 1000 mb, 975 mb, 950 mb, 850 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Total7120 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd, 210 m above gnd, 347 m above gnd, 485 m above gnd, 641 m above gnd, 814 m above gnd, 1002 m above gnd, 1208 m above gnd, 1431 m above gnd, 1671 m above gnd, 1930 m above gnd, 2209 m above gnd, 2508 m above gnd, 2828 m above gnd, 3171 m above gnd, 3538 m above gnd, 3932 m above gnd, 4355 m above gnd, 4809 m above gnd, 5296 m above gnd, 5822 m above gnd, 6391 m above gnd, 7008 m above gnd, 7680 m above gnd, 8415 m above gnd, 9230 m above gnd, 10142 m above gnd, 11179 m above gnd, 12390 m above gnd, 13878 m above gnd
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 45 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd, 128 m above gnd, 180 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Cloud Optical Depth138sfc
CAPE157180-0 mb above gnd
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc, 5x5@sfc
Diffuse Shortwave Radiation256sfc



SourceJapan Meteorological Agency
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length78
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2022-12-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay, fog
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay, fog
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionSouth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution7.0 km
History Start2024-01-29 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Wind Gust180sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Wind Gust180sfc
PBL Height221sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



SourceNorway Meteorological Service
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length54
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length384
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start2018-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Biologically Active UV Radiation700sfc

History Variables

Biologically Active UV Radiation700sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution11.0 km
History Start2015-10-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length54
Spatial Resolution7.0 km
History Start2018-03-05 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionCentral Europe
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length48
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc

History Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Low73low cld lay
Cloud Cover Medium74mid cld lay
Cloud Cover High75high cld lay
Snow Fraction143sfc
Wind Gust180sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc



SourceECMWF Copernicus
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length120
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start2016-07-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Ozone concentration701sfc
Dust concentration702sfc, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 100 mb
Aerosol Optical Depth at 550 nm703atmos col
pm 2.5704sfc
SO2705sfc, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 100 mb
Air Quality Index706sfc
pm 10707sfc
Carbon monoxide711sfc
Nitrogen dioxide712sfc

History Variables

Ozone concentration701sfc
Dust concentration702sfc, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 100 mb
Aerosol Optical Depth at 550 nm703atmos col
pm 2.5704sfc
SO2705sfc, 950 mb, 925 mb, 900 mb, 850 mb, 800 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 400 mb, 300 mb, 250 mb, 200 mb, 150 mb, 100 mb
Air Quality Index706sfc
pm 10707sfc
Carbon monoxide711sfc
Nitrogen dioxide712sfc



SourceECMWF Copernicus
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length96
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2018-04-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Ozone concentration701sfc
Dust concentration702sfc
pm 2.5704sfc
Air Quality Index706sfc
pm 10707sfc
Birch Pollen708sfc
Grass Pollen709sfc
Olive Pollen710sfc
Carbon monoxide711sfc
Nitrogen dioxide712sfc
Ragweed Pollen736sfc

History Variables

Ozone concentration701sfc
Dust concentration702sfc
pm 2.5704sfc
Air Quality Index706sfc
pm 10707sfc
Birch Pollen708sfc
Grass Pollen709sfc
Olive Pollen710sfc
Carbon monoxide711sfc
Nitrogen dioxide712sfc
Ragweed Pollen736sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length192
Spatial Resolution9.0 km
History Start2020-12-15 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

U-Current (ocean)49sfc
V-Current (ocean)50sfc
Ocean Salinity88sfc

History Variables

U-Current (ocean)49sfc
V-Current (ocean)50sfc
Ocean Salinity88sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length192
Spatial Resolution18.0 km
History Start2018-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

U-Current (ocean)49sfc
V-Current (ocean)50sfc
Ocean Salinity88sfc

History Variables

U-Current (ocean)49sfc
V-Current (ocean)50sfc
Ocean Salinity88sfc



SourceAustralian Bureau of Meteorology
Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start1901-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Daily Max Temperature152 m above gnd
Daily Min Temperature162 m above gnd
Vapor Pressure552 m above gnd @9am, 2 m above gnd @3pm
Precipitation Total61sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc



SourceClimatology lab
Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1980-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Daily Max Temperature152 m above gnd
Daily Min Temperature162 m above gnd
Wind Speed32mean @ 10 m above gnd
Relative Humidity52min @ 2 m above gnd, max @ 2 m above gnd
Vapor Pressure Deficit56mean @ 2 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Shortwave Radiation204mean @ sfc
FAO Reference Evapotranspiration260sfc



SourceUSGS & CHG
Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start1981-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start1983-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2000-06-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2000-06-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start2015-04-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Soil Moisture144soil column
Soil Moisture Water Equivalent145sfc, subsfc



Time Resolutionweekly52
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1982-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Vegetation Health Index270sfc
Vegetation Thermal Condition Index271sfc
Vegetation Condition Index272sfc
Surface Brightness Temperature273sfc



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.25 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Available Water Content at Field Capacity8000 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Water Content at Saturation8010 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Water Content at Wilting Point8020 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
USDA texture classes8060 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Coarse Fragments volumetric fraction8070 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Bulk Density8080 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Depth to Bedrock (R horizon)810sfc
Organic Carbon Content (fine earth fraction)8110 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
pH in H2O8120 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
USDA 2014 Taxonomy suborder Classes813soil column
WRB 2006 Taxonomy subgroup Classes814soil column



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Available Water Content at Field Capacity8000 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Water Content at Saturation8010 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Water Content at Wilting Point8020 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
USDA texture classes8060 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Coarse Fragments volumetric fraction8070 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Bulk Density8080 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
Depth to Bedrock (R horizon)810sfc
Organic Carbon Content (fine earth fraction)8110 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
pH in H2O8120 cm, 5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm
USDA 2014 Taxonomy suborder Classes813soil column
WRB 2006 Taxonomy subgroup Classes814soil column



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.25 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Coarse Fragments volumetric fraction8070-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Bulk Density8080-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Content (fine earth fraction)8110-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
pH in H2O8120-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Total Nitrogen Content8170-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Stocks8370-30 cm
Organic Carbon Density8380-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Coarse Fragments volumetric fraction8070-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Bulk Density8080-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Content (fine earth fraction)8110-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
pH in H2O8120-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Total Nitrogen Content8170-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Stocks8370-30 cm
Organic Carbon Density8380-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Coarse Fragments volumetric fraction8070-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Bulk Density8080-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Content (fine earth fraction)8110-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
pH in H2O8120-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Total Nitrogen Content8170-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm
Organic Carbon Stocks8370-30 cm
Organic Carbon Density8380-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm, 100-200 cm



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Available Water Content at Field Capacity8000-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Clay Content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction8030-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Silt Content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction8040-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction8050-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Bulk Density8080-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity8090-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
pH in H2O8120-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Gypsum Content8160-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Total Nitrogen Content8170-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Total Carbonate Equivalent8180-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Aluminium Saturation8240-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Base Saturation8250-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Cation Exchange Capacity of Clay Size Fraction8270-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Coarse Fragments (>2mm)8290-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Total Exchangeable Bases8300-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
C/N ratio8310-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Soil Drainage Class (FAO 2006)8320-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Effective Cation Exchange Capacity8330-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Electrical Conductivity8340-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Exchangeable Sodium Percentage8350-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm
Organic Carbon8360-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.25 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.03 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Cropland Fraction820sfc
Land Fraction (Land-Water mask)821sfc



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.25 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Cropland Fraction820sfc
Land Fraction (Land-Water mask)821sfc



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Cropland Fraction820sfc
Land Fraction (Land-Water mask)821sfc



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Cropland Fraction820sfc
Land Fraction (Land-Water mask)821sfc



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.25 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables




Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Population Density900mean @ 2000, mean @ 2005, mean @ 2010, mean @ 2015, mean @ 2020



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.3 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Land Cover Classification822sfc
Roughness Length (z0)823sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution0.8 km
History Start2018-10-05 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution0.8 km
History Start2018-10-05 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution0.8 km
History Start2018-10-05 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution0.8 km
History Start2018-10-05 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature gridded MLM6112 m above gnd



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length168
Spatial Resolution40.0 km
History Start2016-06-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start2020-09-28 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length174
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start2018-08-15 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc
Peak wave period of swell waves111sfc
Peak wave period of wind waves112sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc
Peak wave period of swell waves111sfc
Peak wave period of wind waves112sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length78
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2018-08-15 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc
Peak wave period of swell waves111sfc
Peak wave period of wind waves112sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc
Peak wave period of swell waves111sfc
Peak wave period of wind waves112sfc



SourceCopernicus / MeteoFrance
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length228
Spatial Resolution8.0 km
History Start2024-05-03 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



SourceCopernicus / FMI
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length144
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start2024-05-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length204
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start2024-05-06 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



RegionIberian Biscay Irish
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length216
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2024-05-07 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc

History Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc



SourceMET Norway
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length72
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Significant Wave Height (wind and swell)100sfc
mean Wind Wave Direction101sfc
mean Direction of Swell Waves102sfc
mean Wind Wave Period103sfc
Significant Height of Wind Waves104sfc
mean Wave Direction105sfc
mean Wave Period106sfc
peak (primary) Wave Direction107sfc
peak (primary) Wave Period108sfc
Significant Height of Swell Waves109sfc
mean Period of Swell Waves110sfc
Peak wave period of swell waves111sfc
Peak wave period of wind waves112sfc



RegionSouth/Central America
Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start2003-03-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution25.0 km
History Start1948-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Geopotential Height7E1 @ 700 mb, E2 @ 700 mb, E3 @ 700 mb
Temperature11E1 @ 2 m above gnd, E2 @ 2 m above gnd, E3 @ 2 m above gnd, E1 @ 850 mb, E2 @ 850 mb, E3 @ 850 mb, E1 @ sst, E2 @ sst, E3 @ sst
Precipitation Total61E1 @ sfc, E2 @ sfc, E3 @ sfc

History Variables

Geopotential Height7E1 @ 700 mb, E2 @ 700 mb, E3 @ 700 mb
Temperature11E1 @ 2 m above gnd, E2 @ 2 m above gnd, E3 @ 2 m above gnd, E1 @ 850 mb, E2 @ 850 mb, E3 @ 850 mb, E1 @ sst, E2 @ sst, E3 @ sst
Precipitation Total61E1 @ sfc, E2 @ sfc, E3 @ sfc



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length8640
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd, sst
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind Speed3210 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2MSL
Temperature112 m above gnd, sst
Dew Point Temperature172 m above gnd
Wind Speed3210 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Snow Depth66sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371atmos col



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



SourceUK MetOffice
Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



SourceECMWF,DWD,MeteoFrance,CMCC,NCEP,JMA,UK MetOffice
Time Resolutionmonthly
Forecast Length4320
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col

History Variables

Mean Sea Level Pressure2anomaly @ MSL
Temperature11anomaly @ 2 m above gnd, anomaly @ sst
Dew Point Temperature17anomaly @ 2 m above gnd
Wind Speed32anomaly @ 10 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61anomaly @ sfc
Snow Depth66anomaly @ sfc
Ice Cover Sea/Lake91anomaly @ sfc
Shortwave Radiation204anomaly @ sfc
Evapotranspiration261anomaly @ sfc
Cloud Cover Anomaly371anomaly @ atmos col



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length4800
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Daily Max Temperature15mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Daily Min Temperature16mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc
Snow Depth66mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc
Evapotranspiration261mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc

History Variables

Daily Max Temperature15mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Daily Min Temperature16mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Precipitation Total61mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc
Snow Depth66mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc
Evapotranspiration261mean @ sfc, cntl@sfc, member_001@sfc, member_002@sfc, member_003@sfc, member_004@sfc, member_005@sfc, member_006@sfc, member_007@sfc, member_008@sfc, member_009@sfc, member_010@sfc, member_011@sfc, member_012@sfc, member_013@sfc, member_014@sfc, member_015@sfc, member_016@sfc, member_017@sfc, member_018@sfc, member_019@sfc, member_020@sfc, member_021@sfc, member_022@sfc, member_023@sfc, member_024@sfc, member_025@sfc, member_026@sfc, member_027@sfc, member_028@sfc, member_029@sfc, member_030@sfc, member_031@sfc, member_032@sfc, member_033@sfc, member_034@sfc, member_035@sfc, member_036@sfc, member_037@sfc, member_038@sfc, member_039@sfc, member_040@sfc, member_041@sfc, member_042@sfc, member_043@sfc, member_044@sfc, member_045@sfc, member_046@sfc, member_047@sfc, member_048@sfc, member_049@sfc, member_050@sfc



Time Resolution_6hourly
Forecast Length4800
Spatial Resolution100.0 km
History Start2020-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Dew Point Temperature17mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Wind U-Component33mean @ 10 m above gnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd
Wind V-Component34mean @ 10 m above gnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd

History Variables

Temperature11mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Dew Point Temperature17mean @ 2 m above gnd, cntl@2mabovegnd, member_001@2mabovegnd, member_002@2mabovegnd, member_003@2mabovegnd, member_004@2mabovegnd, member_005@2mabovegnd, member_006@2mabovegnd, member_007@2mabovegnd, member_008@2mabovegnd, member_009@2mabovegnd, member_010@2mabovegnd, member_011@2mabovegnd, member_012@2mabovegnd, member_013@2mabovegnd, member_014@2mabovegnd, member_015@2mabovegnd, member_016@2mabovegnd, member_017@2mabovegnd, member_018@2mabovegnd, member_019@2mabovegnd, member_020@2mabovegnd, member_021@2mabovegnd, member_022@2mabovegnd, member_023@2mabovegnd, member_024@2mabovegnd, member_025@2mabovegnd, member_026@2mabovegnd, member_027@2mabovegnd, member_028@2mabovegnd, member_029@2mabovegnd, member_030@2mabovegnd, member_031@2mabovegnd, member_032@2mabovegnd, member_033@2mabovegnd, member_034@2mabovegnd, member_035@2mabovegnd, member_036@2mabovegnd, member_037@2mabovegnd, member_038@2mabovegnd, member_039@2mabovegnd, member_040@2mabovegnd, member_041@2mabovegnd, member_042@2mabovegnd, member_043@2mabovegnd, member_044@2mabovegnd, member_045@2mabovegnd, member_046@2mabovegnd, member_047@2mabovegnd, member_048@2mabovegnd, member_049@2mabovegnd, member_050@2mabovegnd
Wind U-Component33mean @ 10 m above gnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd
Wind V-Component34mean @ 10 m above gnd, cntl@10mabovegnd, member_001@10mabovegnd, member_002@10mabovegnd, member_003@10mabovegnd, member_004@10mabovegnd, member_005@10mabovegnd, member_006@10mabovegnd, member_007@10mabovegnd, member_008@10mabovegnd, member_009@10mabovegnd, member_010@10mabovegnd, member_011@10mabovegnd, member_012@10mabovegnd, member_013@10mabovegnd, member_014@10mabovegnd, member_015@10mabovegnd, member_016@10mabovegnd, member_017@10mabovegnd, member_018@10mabovegnd, member_019@10mabovegnd, member_020@10mabovegnd, member_021@10mabovegnd, member_022@10mabovegnd, member_023@10mabovegnd, member_024@10mabovegnd, member_025@10mabovegnd, member_026@10mabovegnd, member_027@10mabovegnd, member_028@10mabovegnd, member_029@10mabovegnd, member_030@10mabovegnd, member_031@10mabovegnd, member_032@10mabovegnd, member_033@10mabovegnd, member_034@10mabovegnd, member_035@10mabovegnd, member_036@10mabovegnd, member_037@10mabovegnd, member_038@10mabovegnd, member_039@10mabovegnd, member_040@10mabovegnd, member_041@10mabovegnd, member_042@10mabovegnd, member_043@10mabovegnd, member_044@10mabovegnd, member_045@10mabovegnd, member_046@10mabovegnd, member_047@10mabovegnd, member_048@10mabovegnd, member_049@10mabovegnd, member_050@10mabovegnd



RegionNorth America
SourceNOAA & meteoblue
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution20.0 km
History Start1940-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Wind Gust18010 m above gnd



RegionPacific and Indian Ocean
SourceNOAA & meteoblue
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution20.0 km
History Start1980-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Wind Gust18010 m above gnd



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Gross Domestic Production GDP (PPP)9011990, 2000, 2015



Time Resolutionyearly
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution10.0 km
History Start1990-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Gross Domestic Production GDP (PPP)901sfc
Gross Domestic Production GDP per Capita902sfc
human development Index (HDI)903sfc



RegionEurope and Africa
SourceDeutscher Wetterdienst
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2018-08-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Clearsky Shortwave161sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Direct Shortwave Radiation258sfc
DNI - backwards718sfc

History Variables

Clearsky Shortwave161sfc
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Direct Shortwave Radiation258sfc
DNI - backwards718sfc



Time Resolutiondaily
Forecast Length24
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start2000-03-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Precipitation Total61sfc



RegionNorth America
Time Resolution_3hourly
Forecast Length180
Spatial Resolution2.5 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total71atmos col
Wind Gust18010 m above gnd
Frontal coloring910sfc



RegionNorth America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length36
Spatial Resolution2.5 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Temperature112 m above gnd
Wind U-Component3310 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Wind V-Component3410 m above gnd, 80 m above gnd
Relative Humidity522 m above gnd
Thunderstorm Probability60sfc
Precipitation Total61sfc
Cloud Cover Total71atmos col
Cloud Cover Total71atmos col
Wind Gust18010 m above gnd
Shortwave Radiation204sfc
Multi model precipitation probability5000.1 mm



Time Resolution_static
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution30.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

History Variables

Fire Weather Index950from 1980 to 2019



SourceUK MetOffice
Time Resolution_15min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



SourceNWS Romania
Time Resolution_10min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution0.5 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



Time Resolution_5min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



RegionUnited States
Time Resolution_5min
Forecast Length2
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



RegionUnited States
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



Time Resolution_15min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



Time Resolution_15min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



Time Resolution_15min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



Time Resolution_15min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution1.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



SourceMET Norway
Time Resolution_5min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution2.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



SourceMeteo CZ
Time Resolution_10min
Forecast Length1
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)



RegionNorth America / South America
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Cloud Cover Total71sfc



RegionEast Asia / Australia
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Cloud Cover Total71sfc



RegionAsia / India
Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Cloud Cover Total71sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Cloud Cover Total71sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution4.0 km
History Start1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Cloud Type70sfc
Cloud Cover Total71sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2023-08-10 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc

History Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2023-11-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc

History Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc



Time Resolutionhourly
Forecast Length0
Spatial Resolution5.0 km
History Start2023-11-01 00:00:00 +0000

text (Lat Lon)
text (Lon Lat)

Forecast Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc

History Variables

Shortwave Radiation204instant@sfc